SixBit API Schema
SaleIDType Simple Type
This is unique identifier of the Sale. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a sale during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
Namespace (none)
Restriction of xs:integer
SaleIDType Simple Type
SaleIDType Restriction of xs:integer
This is unique identifier of the Sale. It is created internally by SixBit. This field is used to identify a sale during an update. It is ignored during an Add operation.
<xs:simpleType name="SaleIDType" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>This is unique identifier of the Sale.  It is created internally by SixBit.  This field is used to identify a sale during an update.  It is ignored during an Add operation.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"></xs:restriction>
See Also
SixBit API Schema



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